Check our most recent films
Salesforce x Public Sector
This project is part of a global campaign promoted by Salesforce Italy and then spread around Europe in order to promote their innovative digital tools which aim to blaze a new path for Public Administrations of different countries. We chose to use a fresh and cinematic approach to show the story from the perspective of the individuals.
AVIS Awareness Campaign
This project has been implemented for Avis Casale Monferrato with the aim to integrate a refined and highly impactful visual language among the list of communicative assets of this Italian no-profit organization which works on a national scale. We believe that the quality of our work will improve the degree of awareness significantly.
Magdaclan Show (extract)
This extract is part of a sequence of the Magdaclan circus show which was shot during the Salesforce Live Italy event in 2021. The movements of the performers and the flow of the show have been meticolously studied by director and camera operators in order to deliver a film able to maximally valorize the original performance.
Salesforce x Unicredit
Salesforce asked us to show their capability to improve the customer journey of their partners' customers, we set ourselves the goal of transforming a sequence of strictly technical steps into a more humane storytelling, also adding a pinch of irony. The whole project, from pre-production to finalization, in less than 3 weeks!